
April 14, 2019

Kofu TMC Regular Meeting Report #7 / 甲府TMC第7回通常例会レポート

Report: Ririna Kaneko

On Saturday, April 13th, we held the 7th Regular Meeting at Yamanashi Prefecture International Association. We welcomed 19 members including Non-Toastmaster Guests and Toastmasters from other clubs.

4月13日(土)、山梨県国際交流協会にて第7回定例会を開催しました。 他のクラブのNon-Toastmaster GuestsとToastmastersを含む19名のメンバーを歓迎しました。

In the beginning, our President TM Yoshi introduced the future schedule of our club. Next, President Yoshi introduced Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD, Master of Ceremony), who was also TM Yoshi (the same person). Today's Word of the Day, TM KM introduced the word "Subtle" (the difference is so small or tiny). She also introduced about her another role as Grammarian, who checks grammatical usages. Next, our Timer TM SK introduced about her role as Time Keeper, followed by an explanation of Ah-Counter by TM RK, Vote Counter by TM SM (TM Guest).

はじめに、私たちのTMヨシ会長が私たちのクラブの将来のスケジュールを紹介しました。 次に、ヨシ会長が、トーマス・オブ・ザ・デイ(TMOD、Master of Ceremony)を紹介しました。 本日のWord of the Dayでは、TM KMが「微妙」という言葉を紹介しました(違いが非常に小さいです)。 彼女はまた、文法的な用法をチェックするグラマリアンとしての彼女の別の役割について紹介しました。 次に、私たちのTimer TM SKがTime Keeperとしての彼女の役割について紹介し、続いてTM RKのAh-Counter、TM SMの投票Counter(TM Guest)について説明しました。

Next, we moved on to one of the main parts of the meeting, Prepared Speech Session. Our first speaker was Mr. TN, he had challenged the 1st project in Pathways (Presentation Mastery), the Ice Breaker. He talked about himself including some stories and his opinions about technology, using effective visual aids. It was inspiring that he seemed to be very confident in front of the audience.


Our next speaker was TM FM, she also worked on the project of Ice Breaker (Pathways, Presentation Mastery). She talked about her roots, including her hometown, her family and her life stories—how she started studying English, how she chose her career paths, and so on. From her story, with effective word choices, we could imagine each scene in her life.

次のスピーカーはFMさんで、彼女もアイスブレーカーのプロジェクトでした(Pathways, Presentation Mastery)。故郷のこと、御家族のこと、英語の勉強や現在のキャリアを選んだ事などを通して彼女自身のこれまでの人生について話して下さいました。効果的な言葉を選ばれていて、彼女のお話から彼女の人生の様々なシーンに想いを馳せることができました。

Our 3rd Speaker was TM FT (Guest), and she made a speech based on the project Level 2 in Pathways "Motivational Strategies" 1 Evaluation Feedback. She talked about lost items, including her experiences using a high level of speaking skills such as humorous expressions and effective vocal variety, body language.

3人目のスピーカーはFTさん(ゲスト)でした。Pathways Motivational Strategiesのレベル2の論評とフィードバック1のプロジェクトに沿ってスピーチしました。落し物について、彼女の経験を交え、ユーモラスな表現や声の変化、ボディランゲージ等の高いスピーキングスキルを用いてお話されていました。

The 4th Speaker was TM YK. She made a speech of Rakugo following project 4, the Play in manual of Interpretive Reading. She made a Rakugo speech of "Jugemu." She actually made a stage with a table and sat on it, and the venue suddenly became a "Yose," a theater of Rakugo. She not only memorized the story but also told the story with great vocal variety, body language, as if she was a real Rakugo performer.

4人目のスピーカーはYKさんでした。彼女はInterpretive Readingマニュアルのプロジェクト4The Playに沿って、「じゅげむ」を披露して下さいました。彼女は実際にテーブルを高座に見立て、そこに座り、突如例会会場が寄席になりました。彼女はじゅげむの物語を暗記していただけでなく、ボーカルバラエティやボディランゲージを加えていて、まるで落語家さんでした。

After the Prepared Speech Session, we had a short break and moved on to Table Topics Session.


After the break, out Topicsmaster, TM SS handled Table Topics Session under the theme of "Spring." The questions were such as "Please share us the best ohanami place." or "Do you have any plans to start new activities from April?" and guests were assigned as speakers. Every guest made a great speech and entertained us all.


After the Table Topics Session, we moved on to the General Evaluation Session. General Evaluator TM KS (Guest) handled this session. He introduced each Speech Evaluator and evaluated the whole of the meeting. Each Speech Evaluator evaluated each Prepared Speech with a helpful attitude so that the speaker and audience learn useful speech technics.


At the end of the meeting, we had an award presentation. The result is as follows.


Best Evaluator: TM TU
Best Table Topics Speaker: Ms. H
Best Speaker: TM YK

Then, after the Award Presentation, we held the Induction Ceremony for two new members. TM YT and Mr. RK. Welcome to Kofu Toastmasters Club!!


Our next meeting will be held on May 25th, at Kofu Sougou Shimin Kaikan (Kofu City Hall). Our next meeting date is different from regular meetings because of District 76 International Conference (All-Japan Contest) held on the second week of Saturday. Please be careful!
