
November 24, 2018

Kofu Toastmasters #2 Demo Meeting Report / 第2回デモ例会レポート

Report: Ririna Kaneko

On Saturday, November 10th, we held the 2nd Demo Meeting at Yamanashi Prefectural Library. We welcomed 17 people, including 7 Non-Toastmaster guests, supporters from other clubs, and Kofu Toastmasters Club members.


At the beginning, our President gave a presentation introducing about Toastmasters activities, and introduced the Toastmaster of the Day (=TMOD, the Master of Ceremony), who is our Vice President Education. Our TMOD introduced the theme of the meeting, "Enjoy Kofu!!"

最初に、会長がトーストマスターズの活動についてプレゼンテーションでご紹介し、その後Toastmaster of the Day (=TMOD、その日の司会)である私達の教育担当副会長を紹介しました。TMODから、その日の例会テーマ「エンジョイ甲府!!」が紹介されました。

In the Prepared Speech Session, three speakers gave speeches. Two of them were from Toastmasters Clubs, in Matsumoto and Tokyo! The 1st Speaker made a speech based on an Advanced Communication Manual, "the Entertaining Speaker," sharing her unique experiences in a Taxi. Her story was like a movie, and she entertained the audience very much! The 2nd Speaker made a speech based on another Advanced Communication Manual "Special Occasion Speeches." Her speech was to praise Hanako Muraoka, who was born in Kofu. The 3rd Speaker made a contest speech, which was based on her own experiences. Her vocal variety and facial expressions enhanced the message of the speech, and inspired the audience a lot!

準備スピーチセッションでは、3名のスピーカーがスピーチを披露しました。内2名は松本市と東京都のクラブから来て下さいました!1人目のスピーカーは、上級コミュニケーションマニュアル「the Entertaining Speaker」に基づき、タクシーの車内での奇妙な体験に関するスピーチを披露しました。彼女のストーリーは映画のようで、大いに聴衆を沸かせました!2人目のスピーカーは、また別の上級マニュアル「Special Occasion Speeches」に基づき、甲府出身の村岡花子氏を讃えるスピーチを披露しました。3人目のスピーカーは、自身の経験に基づいたコンテスト向けのスピーチでした。彼女のボーカルバラエティ(声の調子などの使い分け)や顔の表情がスピーチのメッセージを強調し、聴衆は感銘を受けていました!

After the Prepared Speech Session, we held the Table Topics Session. In this session, a person called "Topicsmaster" asks attendees to give short impromptu speeches, based on the topic chosen by the Topicsmaster. At first, the Topicsmaster asked "Please share your methods how to control your 'work-life balance'." and assigned one of the guests, who is an experienced Toastmaster. She made a speech answer the question, talking briefly about her job.


Next, the Topicsmaster assigned all the Non-Toastmaster guests, and asked to introduce themselves one by one, which was very unique!! All of the guests shared their names, jobs, hobbies, and the reason why they chose to visit Kofu Toastmasters Club. We could feel various kinds of passions through their speeches.


After the Table Topics Session, we had a short break and moved on to the next session, the Evaluation Session. Evaluation is one of the most important part of Toastmasters meetings, which enables the members to review their works on that day.


In this session, Speech Evaluators evaluated three Prepared Speeches one by one. Some of the evaluators were too passionate and spoke longer than scheduled, or presented evaluation speech filled with love for the speeches!


After the Speech Evaluations, the General Evaluator evaluated the meeting. This General Evaluator was also a guest who is a very experienced Toastmaster from Tokyo, who is a former District (all-Japan) Finalist.


The last session of the meeting was the Awarding Session. During the meeting, we voted for the Best Speaker, the Best Table Topics Speaker and the Best Evaluator. TMOD announced the results of the votes, and presented a ribbon for each winner. Congratulations!


Our next meeting will be held on December 8th. If you are interested in our activities, please feel free to contact us!


登録者: Kofu Toastmasters
登録日: 2018/11/24