
December 15, 2018

Kofu Toastmasters #3 Demo Meeting Report / 第3回デモ例会レポート

Report: Yoshihiro Kawano

Happy holiday!
On Saturday, December 9th, we held the 3rd Demo Meeting at Yamanashi Prefectural Library. We welcomed 18 people, including 10 Non-Toastmaster guests, supporters from other clubs, and Kofu Toastmasters Club members.


In the beginning, our President gave a presentation introducing Toastmasters activities and presented the workshop presenter, TM Ownby. His workshop title was “Three important points I learned from attending TEDx talks in Japan."


Matthew Ownby, DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster)

He has been a Toastmaster member for over 19 years, and a workshop facilitator for more than nine years. He has done workshops for not only District 76 Toastmasters (Japan) but at places such as Cisco Japan, SATO and many other IT companies. He believes that it is essential to not only get the information you need but to leave with the skill you came to learn.


At the workshop, TM Ownby asked the audience if they had any issues when giving a speech. Attendees gave him several answers such as getting nervous, forgetting about their speech, and not being able to convey their message. TM Ownby explained methods for how to solve these issues.


Tension creates nervousness, leading people to forget about what to talk about. There are several ways to reduce nervousness. At first, you need to do preparation. If you practice many times, you can overcome your nervousness. Even if during practice you forget, it is also essential to have a speech note. Or, if you can't remember your speech, please drink water at the podium. Even if you forget the speech content, you will not die. Accept that reality and deal with it.


He will explain how to make a good speech. One way to make an understandable speech is by using storytelling. Speaking as a story makes it easier for people to listen. Also, be careful not to use many jargons. As a people who can understand speeches with many technical terms are limited.


In the end, do you know the proverb that “knowledge is power?” I think this is wrong. Even if you recognize something, you cannot change the world unless you act. Please act based on what you learned today.


Our president introduced about the Toastmaster of the Day (=TMOD, the Master of Ceremony). First TMOD did the ice break workout. Everyone exercised and relaxed. Also, all members introduced themselves to people around them.

会長がToastmaster of the Day (=TMOD、その日の司会)を紹介しました。最初にTMODから、アイスブレークということで、少し体を動かして、リラックスする時間がありました。また、周りの人に自己紹介する時間が取られました。

At the prepared speech session, two speakers delivered their speeches. The first speaker was from the Fussa club, and the second speaker was from the Kofu club! The 1st Speaker delivered a speech titled “Considering my life.” The story was like storytelling. The speaker explained his feeling when he was a high school student. Then he explained his feeling when he became of senior age. , and he explained how he felt when he lost his father. He is chasing his mind’s change throughout of his life. Then based on his experience, he thought he will treasure every day from now on.

スピーチセッションでは、2名のスピーカーがスピーチを披露しました。最初は福生クラブからと2人目は甲府クラブからでした!1人目のスピーカーのスピーチは、“Considering my life”というタイトルのスピーチです。子供のころに感じたこと、年を取って感じたこと、父の死をもって感じたこと、人生を通してのスピーカーの心の変化を追いました。そして、彼はこれから毎日、日々の生活を大切にして過ごそうと思いました。

The second speaker delivered a speech that title is “Diamond is forever.” She received a marriage proposal and got a diamond from his fiancé, but the important thing was love, trust, and commitment. The content of both speeches were inspirational. The audience was excited and was listening to the speech. There was no timeout.

2人目のスピーカーは、“Diamond is forever”というタイトルのスピーチでした。結婚のプロポーズを受け、ダイアモンドをもらったが大切なことは愛と信頼とコミットメントという内容のスピーチでした。いずれのスピーチも内容はインスピレーショナルスピーチでした。聴衆は興味深くスピーチを聞いていました。タイムアウトはありませんでした。

After the Prepared Speech Session, we held the Table Topics Session. In this session, a person called the "Topicsmaster" asks attendees to give short impromptu speeches, based on the topic chosen by the Topicsmaster.  Topicsmaster asked a question for each non-Toastmasters guest. She asked, "Do you have a self-introduction or a table-topic question?" They chose each one, self-introduction or a unique question, and made an answer speech.


Speaker 1: What is the trick to delivering a good speech? It is to speak loudly.
Speaker 2: I want to use of knowledge to my work and daily life which I studied at Kofu club.
Speaker 3: I have few opportunities to speak English, so I want to increase my speaking skills.
Speaker 4: I was a member of Toastmaster before, I quit after moved to Yamanashi prefecture. I am glad that the club was made in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture.
Speaker 5: I heard about the Kofu club from my friend. I can speak English but, I would like to improve my speaking skills furthermore.
Speaker 6: I did not know Toastmasters until now. I understood that I could practice English speaking. Today 's prepared speech was interesting.
Speaker 7: I am an engineer. I want to learn global leadership that I can use at my work.
Speaker 8: Because I am a scientist, I want to be able to explain complicated stories in an easy to understand manner.
Speaker 9: I am a member of a foreign-affiliated company. My English teacher recommended attending Toastmasters.
This time table topic speakers had a 1-2 minutes speech time, and all the speakers finished in time.


After the Table Topics Session, we moved on to the next session, the Evaluation Session. Evaluation is one of the most crucial parts of Toastmasters meetings, which enables the members to review their works on that day.


In this session, Speech Evaluators evaluated two Prepared Speeches one by one. The first evaluator made a review of the first one. This person is from a Japanese club, and she was a little nervous about giving an evaluation because it was her first evaluation in English. She explained a few good points of the speech. Also, she told to the speaker's improvement point. Speakers speaking speed is a little fast. If he speaks English slowly, then the audience will understand the story more easily. The second evaluator evaluated the second speech. It was that the speaker's speech style, vocal variety, and gesture using her fiancé’s marriage propose with diamonds was terrific. The next is the report from grammarian and Ah counter. In the explanation from Grammarian and the Ah counter report that TM Ownby who did not say any ah or uh at the workshop.


After the Speech Evaluations, the General Evaluator evaluated the meeting. This General Evaluator was also a guest who is a very experienced Toastmaster from Tokyo, TM Ownby.


The last session of the meeting was the Awarding Session. This time, we have only two prepared speakers. Therefore, we have no voting for the prepared speaker and the evaluator. During the meeting, we voted for the Best Table Topics Speaker. TMOD announced the results of the votes for the winner. Congratulations!


Our next meeting will be held on December 8th. If you are interested in our activities, please feel free to contact us!
