
June 29, 2019

Kofu the 500th Anniversary: Special Event Report

Reporter: Ririna

On Saturday, June 29, Kofu Toastmasters Club organized a special event, “Workshop on Global Leader and Speeches” at Kofu Civic Center. This event is the project The Kofu Global Citizen Forum, “Let’s enjoy becoming a global leader!”, at the Memorial Event of the 500th Anniversary (Third Term) sponsored by Kofu 500th Anniversary Celebration Committee.

甲府トーストマスターズクラブ(甲府TMC)では、6月29日(土)、特別イベント「グローバルリーダーとスピーチのワークショップ」を甲府市総合市民会館にて開催しました。本イベントは、こうふ開府 500 年記念事業の企画提案事業第 3 期、「甲府発グローバル人材育成フォーラム 『楽しみながらグローバル人材になろう!』」です。

Kofu Citizens, thank you for your participation in this event. We welcomed around 90 attendees, including non-Toastmaster guests from Kofu City and Yamanashi Prefecture, Toastmaster guests from other clubs, and of course, members of Kofu Toastmasters Club.


As special guests, we invited 3 special speakers: Professor William Reed from Yamanashi Gakuin University, Toastmaster Naoki Tamura who was the 3-time winner of District 76 (all Japan) and one of the Top 20 Speakers of the world, and Toastmaster Kimochi, an English Rakugo performer who was the Finalist of District 76 of both English and Japanese Speech Contests in 2017.

今回は特別ゲストとして3名の特別スピーカーをお招きしました。山梨学院大学教授のウィリアム・リード氏、Toastmasters District 76(全日本)優勝3回、世界Top20 Speakerの田村直樹氏、Toastmasters 2017年District 76日英ファイナリスト、英語落語家の喜餅(きもち)氏です。

At the beginning, Mayor of Kofu City, Mr. Yuichi Higuchi gave us a short speech mentioning about Kofu 500th Anniversary Project and celebrated our event. It was a great opportunity to know about the history of Kofu City. Mr. Higuchi, thank you very much for your tremendous support.


Next, as Session 1, Professor Reed made a Keynote Speech about what is needed to become a global leader. Knowing the answer of this question is the privilege of the attendees, but one of the key messages was to “take actions”.


Session 2 was special workshop by TM Tamura. His workshop was about to build a mindset as a global leader, by using speeches as tips. Attendees made short speeches based on the tips he provided, and some of the attendees delivered their speeches in front of all of the attendees! Their speeches were well-organized, and they looked confident, controlling their nervousness.


Session 3 was Speech Session. TM Kimochi performed his English Rakugo, which made the audience laugh and cry at the same time. Personally, from his Rakugo, I learned that Rakugo stories are not only about laughing. His Rakugo taught us important lessons in our lives, and warmth of people.


TM Tamura also delivered his prepared speech, about his experiences in workplace, how he knew about Toastmasters, and what he had learned through Toastmasters activities. It was interesting and persuasive to know that he was not a good speaker before joining Toastmasters.


After the Prepared Speech Session, our member who is the Finalist of District 76 English Speech Contest in 2018, evaluated the event. Evaluation is one of the core activities in Toastmasters.


After the evaluation, finally, we moved on to the closing ceremony of the event. Three attendees, who were chosen by lottery, were given special gifts! A book written by Professor Reed, with his signature! Congratulations!


In the end, we’d like to say thank you for everyone who made the event to happen. Not only the members of Kofu TMC, but also Toastmasters from various clubs supported us to organize this event.


Also, we’d like to say special thanks to our guests, Professor Reed, TM Tamura and TM Kimochi who made time to visit us and delivered great speeches and workshops. We cannot thank them enough.


Lastly, and the most importantly, thank you for all the attendees who visited our event. We would be glad if this became an opportunity to know about Toastmasters. It would be greater if some of them gets interested in our activities.


The official language of this event was Japanese, but our regular meetings are held in ENGLISH ONLY. If you want to use English, if you want to learn English, and if you want to learn public speaking using English, please feel free to visit our meetings!


Kofu Toastmasters Club Officers,