
August 10, 2019

Kofu TMC Meeting Report #11 / 甲府TMC第11回例会レポート

Reporter: Ririna

On Saturday, August 10th, we held the 11th meeting at Yamanashi Prefecture Public Library. We welcomed more than 20 attendees, including Non-Toastmaster guests and Toastmaster guests.


At the beginning, our President, TM Y.K. announced that the number of our members reached 23, which means we are now eligible to apply for chartering—Kofu TMC will be officially accepted as a Toastmasters Club, by Toastmasters International!


This time we had many things to do: Induction Ceremony for new members, regular meeting, and club officer elections.


The first session was Induction Ceremony for 6 new members! 2 Toastmasters from other clubs and 4 Non-Toastmasters became joined Kofu Toastmasters Club! WELCOME TO KOFU TMC!!!


The next session was the regular meeting. Todays TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) was TM S.S. He became a member of this club last year, and this is his first time to challenge this role.


Next, TM Y.A. introduced today’s Word of the day “heat”. This is a timely word—Kofu City was covered with heat, since a big festival was held on that day. Attendees are asked to use this word as many times as possible, during the meeting.


Next, today’s ballot counter, TM T.A., Timer, TM K.M., Ah-Counter, TM S.K., and Grammarian, TM S.M. introduced their roles.


Then, we moved on to the Prepared Speech Session. Our 1st speaker was TM I.M. He made his very first speech as a Toastmaster, following the project “Ice Breaker”, and the title was “My Life, My Wife”. He talked about his childhood experiences and how he met his wife. His episodes were very hart-warming.

次に、準備スピーチセッションに移りました。最初のスピーカーはIMさんでした。彼はトーストマスターズで初のスピーチを、「The Ice Breaker」のプロジェクトに沿って行いました。題名は「My Life, My Wife」。幼い頃の経験や奥様との出会いについて語ってくださいました。エピソードにほっこりしました。

Our 2nd Speaker was TM K.O., and she delivers her speech based on Advanced Communication Manual “the Entertaining Speaker” Project 3, “Make Them Laugh” with the title “Wedding Speech for My Friend”. She included many funny expressions—not only telling a story, but also changing small expressions to entertain the audience.

次のスピーカーはKOさんで、上級マニュアルの「The Entertaining Speaker」プロジェクト3「Make Them Laugh」に沿って行いました。タイトルは「Wedding Speech for My Friend」。単に出来事を伝えるだけでなく、様々なところに面白い表現を盛り込んで聴衆を楽しませていました。

The 3rd Speaker was TM Y.T., and he delivered his speech based on Pathways “Motivational Strategies” Project 2 “Evaluation and Feedback 1”. Using visual aids, he talked about the problem of graves without people to maintain, which is a social problem in Japan, which made us to think a lot.

3人目のスピーカーはYTさん。Pathwaysの「Motivational Strategies」プロジェクト2「Evaluation and Feedback 1」のプロジェクトでした。資料を投影しながら、日本で社会問題ともなっている、手入れをする人がいなくなったお墓の問題について話して下さり、考えさせられました。

The 4th Speaker was TM T.N., and his speech was based on the project of “Ice Breaker”, with the title “A Journey of Life Shift”. He shared his viewpoints about his life—which can be related to everyone of the audience.

4人目のスピーカーはTNさん。彼のスピーチもIce Breakerのプロジェクトで「A Journey of Life Shift」というタイトルで、全ての人に通じる人生観について話してくださいました。

After the short break, we moved on to the General Evaluation Session. 4 evaluators evaluated 4 prepared speech. Each evaluator prepared helpful evaluations for each speaker within the shorted time for preparation.


Next, we had a shortened version of the Table Topics Session. The questions were; 1) What is your good memory of summer vacation when you were in elementary/junior high school? 2) What is your good memory of summer vacation when you were in senior high school? 3) If you have a long summer vacation, what would you like to do? Where would you like to go? All of the speakers, including new members, delivered well-organized impromptu speeches. Thank you very much!!


Next, we moved on to another evaluation session: reports by role takers. First, Grammarian TM S.M. reported good expressions and grammatical mistakes we made while we were talking in front of the audience. Next, TM Y.A. reported the numbers of Word of the Day each individual used during the meeting. Ah-Counter, TM S.K., reported the number of unnecessary words each speaker used while speaking.


Finally, today’s General Evaluator TM R.Ko evaluated the meeting itself. He observed the meeting very carefully, and made a detailed evaluation, which was very helpful.


Finally, TMOD S.S. announced the winners of today’s meeting. During the meeting, we voted for the Best Table Topics Speaker, Best Evaluator, and Best Speaker. The Best Table Topics Speaker was TM R.T. (New member), Best Evaluator was TM R.Ka, and the Best Speaker was TM Y.T.!! Congratulations!!


Finally, we had Club Officer Elections. In Toastmasters, there are 7 club officers to organize a club. In Toastmasters, Club Officers are not always literally “leaders” of the club: it doesn’t mean that the officers are superior to other members. They mainly support members so that they can enjoy and learn a lot through Toastmasters activities. Since Toastmasters term has changed, we held officer elections to choose new officers. From September, new officers will support organizing this club.


Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 7th, at Yamanashi Prefecture Public Library. If you are interested in our activities, please feel free to join us at the meeting!

