
July 22, 2021

Kofu Toastmasters Regular meeting report July 10th, 2021

Regular Meeting Report (July 10th, 2021) 作成者: ディコ セイドゥ

On July 10th, 2021, Kofu Toastmasters Club held its 50th regular meeting from 14:00 to 16:00. In addition to club members, guests are Area 21 Director TM Shiohara, Division B Director TM Sun and Richard.

The main points of the agenda were:

The Installation Ceremony of the New Committee (session led by the Area 21 Director, TM Shiohara)

At the opening of the meeting, the Area 21 Director thanked the previous committee of Kofu Toastmasters and released them from their duties before welcoming the new committee. TM Shiohara asked each member of the new committee to be fully committed to his/her role.

Ordinary Meeting (Speeches, Table Topics and Evaluation)

During the "ordinary meeting", two speeches were delivered. TM Aihara gave her first ice-breaker speech entitled "That's why I'm here." Through this Speech, members got to know more about TM Aihara. The New President, TM Droit, made the second speech on his "communication style". This speech is the first one for our President at the beginning of his term. President Droit gave incredibly detailed explanations of his way of communicating and interacting with people.

Following the speeches, TM Nakata led the table topics with a very interactive style. The ordinary meeting ended with the evaluation of speeches and content (ah counter, grammar, etc.) and the awards given for the best speech, best table topic and the best evaluation.

Business Session

During the business session, TM Komatsu briefly presented the financial report of the previous committee. Then, the participants discussed tools of Public Relations for this New Committee, mainly about recordings of the future meeting, publication for short videos or pictures and their use online.

Kofu TMC regular meeting is held every month on the second Saturday from 14:00 to 16:00 and the fourth Saturday from 19:30 to 21:00 pm. If you would like to visit as a guest, please contact us.



会議の冒頭で、エリア21ディレクターは、甲府トーストマスターズの前の委員会に感謝し、新しい委員会を歓迎する前に前役員の職務を解放しました。 TM塩原は、新委員会の各メンバーに、それぞれの役割に全力で取り組むよう求めました。




ビジネスセッションでは、TM小松が前委員会の財務報告を簡単に発表しました。 次に、参加者は、主に将来の会議の記録、短いビデオや写真の公開、およびそれらのオンラインでの使用について、この新しい委員会の広報ツールについて話し合いました。
