
August 14, 2021

Kofu Toastmasters Regular Meeting Report (July 24th, 2021)

On July 24th, 2021, Kofu Toastmasters Club held its 51st regular meeting from 19:30 to 21:10. In addition to club members, guests were TM Haoyang (Tokyo Nihao Toastmasters Club), TM Honda (Ginza Toastmasters Club), Kaz (Past Eight Princes TMC member), Justice (West Tokyo), Richard and Sophia.

The main points of the agenda were four sessions as follows:

1) Opening and Speeches (session led by TMOD Nakamura)
At the opening, the TMOD gave the opportunity to each role-taker to explain his/her role during the meeting which was followed by two prepared speeches.
TM Kawano talked about ending poverty through "social business and leadership". In a world where poverty is a major issue, the speaker suggested an approach based on social business and leadership as a means to alleviate poverty and improve poor people's lives.
TM Droit, gave the second speech on how to interact with a mentor. A speech that called on members to not be passive members or protégés (mentees) in Toastmasters but to be fully involved and committed members and protégés.

2) Table Topics Session (led by TM Dicko)
The second session was Table Topics with "Tokyo Olympics" as the main theme. Four speakers were chosen on the spot to give their opinions and share their feelings about the main theme of the session.

3) Evaluation Session (led by TM Kishigami)
The third session of the meeting, led by TM Kishigami, served to evaluate each speech and the meeting's content (ah counter, grammar, etc.) followed by a general evaluation. Awards were given for the best speech, best table topic and the best speech evaluation.

4) Business Session (led by President Droit)
During the business session, TM Kawano spoke about our Area's plans to encourage Clubs to hold joint meetings and the possibility for each member to visit any other club in the area at their convenience. He also mentioned his plans of holding the "Kofu Speech Marathon 2021" activity as a VPE of Kofu Toastmasters.

TM Aihara informed the club about a potential new member who paid his financial dues but hasn't been responding to emails regarding his induction ceremony. President Droit asked each guest to give their opinion about today's meeting before closing the meeting.

Kofu TMC regular meeting is held every month on the second Saturday from 14:00 to 16:00 and the fourth Saturday from 19:30 to 21:00 pm. If you would like to visit as a guest, please contact us. (from Dicko)



オープニングでは、TMODは各ロールテイカーに会議中に自分の役割を説明する機会を与え、続いて2つの準備されたスピーチが行われました。TM河野は「ソーシャルビジネスとリーダーシップ」を通じて貧困を終わらせることについて話しました。貧困が大きな問題となっている世界で、講演者は、貧困を緩和し、貧しい人々の生活を改善する手段として、ソーシャルビジネスとリーダーシップに基づくアプローチを提案しました。TM ドロイトは、メンターとの対話方法について2番目のスピーチを行いました。トーストマスターズの受動的なメンバーやプロテジェ(メンティー)ではなく、メンバーとプロテジェに完全に関与し、献身するようメンバーに呼びかけたスピーチ。

2.テーブルトピックセッション(TM ディコ主導)





甲府TMC定例会は毎月第2土曜日14:00〜16:00、第4土曜日19:30〜21:00に開催されます。ゲストとしての訪問をご希望の場合は、お問い合わせください。 (from Dicko)

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